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Copyright Infringement Costume Contest Copyright Infringement Costume Contest Copyright Infringement Costume Contest Copyright Infringement Costume Contest

1st October 2023

We’re hosting a costume contest every month. Last month’s theme was Barbenheimer, inspired by the summer blockbusters. This month’s theme for lack of anything topical was Copyright Infringement. Ever since the Marvel lawsuit against Cryptic, players have been banned from making homages to our favorite copyrighted characters. Now that the game is in the hands of the community, we can celebrate by making any copyrighted characters we want.

Costumes were judged based on how much they resemble a copyrighted character. Can you name all the characters from the lineup?

The YouTuber Controlled Chaos and our resident Hardcore champion King Akira helped to judge along with our artist Orange Blue Hue. We saw a lot of blatant copyright infringement, but the judges had to decide on the top 3.

Before getting to the winners, here are some special mentions.

Green Goblin

Although he won some votes, he didn’t tally up enough to make the top 3.


This homage to Jiren from Dragon Ball Super wasn’t recognized by our guest judges. Fortunately (unfortunately), Toriyama isn’t as litigious as the owners of our top 3 winners, so the risk of being served a DMCA is low here.

Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo was disqualified due to conflict of interest (dang). This was the first costume I made after extending our body sliders to test them. His short legs and tall hair are only possible on the Thunderspy server.

Here are the top 3 from tallying the judges’ choices.


Heckman came in 3rd place with such a striking resemblance to Hellboy that we’ll surely be served a lawsuit from Dark Horse Comics when they see it.

Mickey Mouse

Although Evil Mascot falls well within the realm of parody, taking a shot at Disney’s poster boy for copyright is risky enough that the judges thought he should win 2nd place.


Making 2nd place on the most judge’s top 3 put Literally Superman in 1st place after tallying the votes. He makes excellent use of our double chest details to copy Superman’s S emblem. I can already hear DC lawyers busting down our door.

The first place prize winner, Superman, got to suggest the next costume part that Orange Blue Hue will add to the game. Looks like Jiren wins in the end, because Superman requested hair in the style of Toriyama!

We’re hosting a costume contest every month. Last month’s theme was Barbenheimer, inspired by the summer blockbusters. This month’s theme for lack of anything topical was Copyright Infringement. Ever since the Marvel lawsuit against Cryptic, players have been banned from making homages to our favorite copyrighted characters. Now that the game is in the hands of the community, we can celebrate by making any copyrighted characters we want.

Costumes were judged based on how much they resemble a copyrighted character. Can you name all the characters from the lineup?

The YouTuber Controlled Chaos and our resident Hardcore champion King Akira helped to judge along with our artist Orange Blue Hue. We saw a lot of blatant copyright infringement, but the judges had to decide on the top 3.

Before getting to the winners, here are some special mentions.

Green Goblin

Although he won some votes, he didn’t tally up enough to make the top 3.


This homage to Jiren from Dragon Ball Super wasn’t recognized by our guest judges. Fortunately (unfortunately), Toriyama isn’t as litigious as the owners of our top 3 winners, so the risk of being served a DMCA is low here.

Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo was disqualified due to conflict of interest (dang). This was the first costume I made after extending our body sliders to test them. His short legs and tall hair are only possible on the Thunderspy server.

Here are the top 3 from tallying the judges’ choices.


Heckman came in 3rd place with such a striking resemblance to Hellboy that we’ll surely be served a lawsuit from Dark Horse Comics when they see it.

Mickey Mouse

Although Evil Mascot falls well within the realm of parody, taking a shot at Disney’s poster boy for copyright is risky enough that the judges thought he should win 2nd place.


Making 2nd place on the most judge’s top 3 put Literally Superman in 1st place after tallying the votes. He makes excellent use of our double chest details to copy Superman’s S emblem. I can already hear DC lawyers busting down our door.

The first place prize winner, Superman, got to suggest the next costume part that Orange Blue Hue will add to the game. Looks like Jiren wins in the end, because Superman requested hair in the style of Toriyama!

Help us translate!

We’re hosting a costume contest every month. Last month’s theme was Barbenheimer, inspired by the summer blockbusters. This month’s theme for lack of anything topical was Copyright Infringement. Ever since the Marvel lawsuit against Cryptic, players have been banned from making homages to our favorite copyrighted characters. Now that the game is in the hands of the community, we can celebrate by making any copyrighted characters we want.

Costumes were judged based on how much they resemble a copyrighted character. Can you name all the characters from the lineup?

The YouTuber Controlled Chaos and our resident Hardcore champion King Akira helped to judge along with our artist Orange Blue Hue. We saw a lot of blatant copyright infringement, but the judges had to decide on the top 3.

Before getting to the winners, here are some special mentions.

Green Goblin

Although he won some votes, he didn’t tally up enough to make the top 3.


This homage to Jiren from Dragon Ball Super wasn’t recognized by our guest judges. Fortunately (unfortunately), Toriyama isn’t as litigious as the owners of our top 3 winners, so the risk of being served a DMCA is low here.

Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo was disqualified due to conflict of interest (dang). This was the first costume I made after extending our body sliders to test them. His short legs and tall hair are only possible on the Thunderspy server.

Here are the top 3 from tallying the judges’ choices.


Heckman came in 3rd place with such a striking resemblance to Hellboy that we’ll surely be served a lawsuit from Dark Horse Comics when they see it.

Mickey Mouse

Although Evil Mascot falls well within the realm of parody, taking a shot at Disney’s poster boy for copyright is risky enough that the judges thought he should win 2nd place.


Making 2nd place on the most judge’s top 3 put Literally Superman in 1st place after tallying the votes. He makes excellent use of our double chest details to copy Superman’s S emblem. I can already hear DC lawyers busting down our door.

The first place prize winner, Superman, got to suggest the next costume part that Orange Blue Hue will add to the game. Looks like Jiren wins in the end, because Superman requested hair in the style of Toriyama!

Help us translate!

We’re hosting a costume contest every month. Last month’s theme was Barbenheimer, inspired by the summer blockbusters. This month’s theme for lack of anything topical was Copyright Infringement. Ever since the Marvel lawsuit against Cryptic, players have been banned from making homages to our favorite copyrighted characters. Now that the game is in the hands of the community, we can celebrate by making any copyrighted characters we want.

Costumes were judged based on how much they resemble a copyrighted character. Can you name all the characters from the lineup?

The YouTuber Controlled Chaos and our resident Hardcore champion King Akira helped to judge along with our artist Orange Blue Hue. We saw a lot of blatant copyright infringement, but the judges had to decide on the top 3.

Before getting to the winners, here are some special mentions.

Green Goblin

Although he won some votes, he didn’t tally up enough to make the top 3.


This homage to Jiren from Dragon Ball Super wasn’t recognized by our guest judges. Fortunately (unfortunately), Toriyama isn’t as litigious as the owners of our top 3 winners, so the risk of being served a DMCA is low here.

Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo was disqualified due to conflict of interest (dang). This was the first costume I made after extending our body sliders to test them. His short legs and tall hair are only possible on the Thunderspy server.

Here are the top 3 from tallying the judges’ choices.


Heckman came in 3rd place with such a striking resemblance to Hellboy that we’ll surely be served a lawsuit from Dark Horse Comics when they see it.

Mickey Mouse

Although Evil Mascot falls well within the realm of parody, taking a shot at Disney’s poster boy for copyright is risky enough that the judges thought he should win 2nd place.


Making 2nd place on the most judge’s top 3 put Literally Superman in 1st place after tallying the votes. He makes excellent use of our double chest details to copy Superman’s S emblem. I can already hear DC lawyers busting down our door.

The first place prize winner, Superman, got to suggest the next costume part that Orange Blue Hue will add to the game. Looks like Jiren wins in the end, because Superman requested hair in the style of Toriyama!

Help us translate!