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Kinetics and Kinetics Accessories Kinetics and Kinetics Accessories Kinetics and Kinetics Accessories Kinetics and Kinetics Accessories

3rd July 2022


  • Level is once again shown on character select


  • Bug fixes and speed ups for the SQL operations across all services

Zone Events


  • Lambda has been switched to the fixed Lua version
  • Dilemma Diabolique has been reverted from previous patch


  • Savage Melee
  • Exhausted no longer triggers CHEATER logging, spamming our logs due to a bad requires left on it

    Kinetics (All versions)

Updated all powers other than fulcrum shift to no longer use Pseudo-pets

Power order of Siphon Power and repel swapped to avoid a bug with Siphon power being a passive

  • Siphon Power: Is now a passive granting a global proc for the siphon power effect to happen on any damaging powers other than pets.

  • Repel: Increased area from 9 to 10, decreased knock chance from 25% to 20%.

  • Siphon Speed: Is now a 15ft Targeted AoE debuff.

  • Increase Density: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the resistance buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Speed boost: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the speed and recovery buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Fulcrum Shift: Buff strength reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 (defender numbers) buff duration reduced from 45s to 30s.

Fiery Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)

  • Reset to Vanilla and adjusted from there

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Breath of fire
    • Cone arc increased from 30 to 45

Fiery Assault (Dominators)

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25.
    • Endurance cost reduced from 10.192 to 6.864 to match the Fiery Melee version.
  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is slightly increased to match blaster version.
    • Reduced Endurance cost and recharge to match blaster version (they have the exact same damage scaling, blaster one was just cheaper)
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Manipulation (Blasters)

  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Mastery (Controller)

  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Kinetic Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker)

  • Reset to vanilla values and power order, adjusted from there.

  • Burst

    • AoE Area increased from 8 to 10

Street Justice (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker, Defender)

  • Reset to vanilla values, adjusted from there

  • Sweeping Cross
    • Cone Area increased from 7 to 9
    • Cone Arc increased from 50 to 60
  • Spinning Strike
    • AoE Area increased from 6 to 8

Energy Melee

  • Whirling hands (stalker)
    • Reduced AoE Area from 15 to 10
    • Reduced damage, endurance, recharge costs to match brute version
    • Reduced stun from mag 3 to mag 2
    • Reduced stun chance from 100% to 30%

Martial Arts (Stalker)

*Dragons Tail

  • Increased AoE area from 8 to 10

Claws (Stalker)


  • Added in missing Assassins focus grant

Super Reflexes (All ATs)

  • Dodge -Scaling resistances reduced from 60% at maximum to 45% at maximum

  • Practiced Brawler
    • Reduced initial +regen from 150% to 100%
  • Reaction time
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue with the taunt attributes being inconsistent (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)
  • Elude
    • Reduced duration from 90s to 60s

Spectral Aura (Stalkers)

  • Spectral Shroud
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.

Invulnerability (All ATs)

  • Unstoppable
    • Reduced duration from 180s to 90s
    • removed crash

Energy Aura (All ATs)

  • Overload
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • Kuji-In Retsu
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • All versions of epic t9s (Surge of power, Force of nature)
    • Recharge time reduced to 540s
    • Buff durations reduced to 90s
    • Resistance strength reduced to 3.75 (4.75 for energy resist and 2.76 negative energy resist on surge of power)
    • Crash removed


  • Level is once again shown on character select


  • Bug fixes and speed ups for the SQL operations across all services

Zone Events


  • Lambda has been switched to the fixed Lua version
  • Dilemma Diabolique has been reverted from previous patch


  • Savage Melee
  • Exhausted no longer triggers CHEATER logging, spamming our logs due to a bad requires left on it

    Kinetics (All versions)

Updated all powers other than fulcrum shift to no longer use Pseudo-pets

Power order of Siphon Power and repel swapped to avoid a bug with Siphon power being a passive

  • Siphon Power: Is now a passive granting a global proc for the siphon power effect to happen on any damaging powers other than pets.

  • Repel: Increased area from 9 to 10, decreased knock chance from 25% to 20%.

  • Siphon Speed: Is now a 15ft Targeted AoE debuff.

  • Increase Density: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the resistance buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Speed boost: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the speed and recovery buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Fulcrum Shift: Buff strength reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 (defender numbers) buff duration reduced from 45s to 30s.

Fiery Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)

  • Reset to Vanilla and adjusted from there

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Breath of fire
    • Cone arc increased from 30 to 45

Fiery Assault (Dominators)

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25.
    • Endurance cost reduced from 10.192 to 6.864 to match the Fiery Melee version.
  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is slightly increased to match blaster version.
    • Reduced Endurance cost and recharge to match blaster version (they have the exact same damage scaling, blaster one was just cheaper)
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Manipulation (Blasters)

  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Mastery (Controller)

  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Kinetic Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker)

  • Reset to vanilla values and power order, adjusted from there.

  • Burst

    • AoE Area increased from 8 to 10

Street Justice (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker, Defender)

  • Reset to vanilla values, adjusted from there

  • Sweeping Cross
    • Cone Area increased from 7 to 9
    • Cone Arc increased from 50 to 60
  • Spinning Strike
    • AoE Area increased from 6 to 8

Energy Melee

  • Whirling hands (stalker)
    • Reduced AoE Area from 15 to 10
    • Reduced damage, endurance, recharge costs to match brute version
    • Reduced stun from mag 3 to mag 2
    • Reduced stun chance from 100% to 30%

Martial Arts (Stalker)

*Dragons Tail

  • Increased AoE area from 8 to 10

Claws (Stalker)


  • Added in missing Assassins focus grant

Super Reflexes (All ATs)

  • Dodge -Scaling resistances reduced from 60% at maximum to 45% at maximum

  • Practiced Brawler
    • Reduced initial +regen from 150% to 100%
  • Reaction time
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue with the taunt attributes being inconsistent (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)
  • Elude
    • Reduced duration from 90s to 60s

Spectral Aura (Stalkers)

  • Spectral Shroud
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.

Invulnerability (All ATs)

  • Unstoppable
    • Reduced duration from 180s to 90s
    • removed crash

Energy Aura (All ATs)

  • Overload
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • Kuji-In Retsu
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • All versions of epic t9s (Surge of power, Force of nature)
    • Recharge time reduced to 540s
    • Buff durations reduced to 90s
    • Resistance strength reduced to 3.75 (4.75 for energy resist and 2.76 negative energy resist on surge of power)
    • Crash removed
Help us translate!


  • Level is once again shown on character select


  • Bug fixes and speed ups for the SQL operations across all services

Zone Events


  • Lambda has been switched to the fixed Lua version
  • Dilemma Diabolique has been reverted from previous patch


  • Savage Melee
  • Exhausted no longer triggers CHEATER logging, spamming our logs due to a bad requires left on it

    Kinetics (All versions)

Updated all powers other than fulcrum shift to no longer use Pseudo-pets

Power order of Siphon Power and repel swapped to avoid a bug with Siphon power being a passive

  • Siphon Power: Is now a passive granting a global proc for the siphon power effect to happen on any damaging powers other than pets.

  • Repel: Increased area from 9 to 10, decreased knock chance from 25% to 20%.

  • Siphon Speed: Is now a 15ft Targeted AoE debuff.

  • Increase Density: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the resistance buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Speed boost: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the speed and recovery buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Fulcrum Shift: Buff strength reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 (defender numbers) buff duration reduced from 45s to 30s.

Fiery Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)

  • Reset to Vanilla and adjusted from there

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Breath of fire
    • Cone arc increased from 30 to 45

Fiery Assault (Dominators)

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25.
    • Endurance cost reduced from 10.192 to 6.864 to match the Fiery Melee version.
  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is slightly increased to match blaster version.
    • Reduced Endurance cost and recharge to match blaster version (they have the exact same damage scaling, blaster one was just cheaper)
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Manipulation (Blasters)

  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Mastery (Controller)

  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Kinetic Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker)

  • Reset to vanilla values and power order, adjusted from there.

  • Burst

    • AoE Area increased from 8 to 10

Street Justice (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker, Defender)

  • Reset to vanilla values, adjusted from there

  • Sweeping Cross
    • Cone Area increased from 7 to 9
    • Cone Arc increased from 50 to 60
  • Spinning Strike
    • AoE Area increased from 6 to 8

Energy Melee

  • Whirling hands (stalker)
    • Reduced AoE Area from 15 to 10
    • Reduced damage, endurance, recharge costs to match brute version
    • Reduced stun from mag 3 to mag 2
    • Reduced stun chance from 100% to 30%

Martial Arts (Stalker)

*Dragons Tail

  • Increased AoE area from 8 to 10

Claws (Stalker)


  • Added in missing Assassins focus grant

Super Reflexes (All ATs)

  • Dodge -Scaling resistances reduced from 60% at maximum to 45% at maximum

  • Practiced Brawler
    • Reduced initial +regen from 150% to 100%
  • Reaction time
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue with the taunt attributes being inconsistent (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)
  • Elude
    • Reduced duration from 90s to 60s

Spectral Aura (Stalkers)

  • Spectral Shroud
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.

Invulnerability (All ATs)

  • Unstoppable
    • Reduced duration from 180s to 90s
    • removed crash

Energy Aura (All ATs)

  • Overload
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • Kuji-In Retsu
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • All versions of epic t9s (Surge of power, Force of nature)
    • Recharge time reduced to 540s
    • Buff durations reduced to 90s
    • Resistance strength reduced to 3.75 (4.75 for energy resist and 2.76 negative energy resist on surge of power)
    • Crash removed
Help us translate!


  • Level is once again shown on character select


  • Bug fixes and speed ups for the SQL operations across all services

Zone Events


  • Lambda has been switched to the fixed Lua version
  • Dilemma Diabolique has been reverted from previous patch


  • Savage Melee
  • Exhausted no longer triggers CHEATER logging, spamming our logs due to a bad requires left on it

    Kinetics (All versions)

Updated all powers other than fulcrum shift to no longer use Pseudo-pets

Power order of Siphon Power and repel swapped to avoid a bug with Siphon power being a passive

  • Siphon Power: Is now a passive granting a global proc for the siphon power effect to happen on any damaging powers other than pets.

  • Repel: Increased area from 9 to 10, decreased knock chance from 25% to 20%.

  • Siphon Speed: Is now a 15ft Targeted AoE debuff.

  • Increase Density: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the resistance buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Speed boost: Is now an 80ft PBAoE, caster is now affected by the speed and recovery buffs at 50% effectiveness.

  • Fulcrum Shift: Buff strength reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 (defender numbers) buff duration reduced from 45s to 30s.

Fiery Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)

  • Reset to Vanilla and adjusted from there

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Breath of fire
    • Cone arc increased from 30 to 45

Fiery Assault (Dominators)

  • Incinerate
    • DoT damage sped up from 4.6 to 2.25.
    • Endurance cost reduced from 10.192 to 6.864 to match the Fiery Melee version.
  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is slightly increased to match blaster version.
    • Reduced Endurance cost and recharge to match blaster version (they have the exact same damage scaling, blaster one was just cheaper)
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Manipulation (Blasters)

  • Combustion
    • DoT damage sped up from 7.1 to 2.25, total damage is the same.
  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Fire Mastery (Controller)

  • Consume
    • Recharge reduced from 180 to 120
    • +recovery duration increased from 15 to 30

Kinetic Melee (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker)

  • Reset to vanilla values and power order, adjusted from there.

  • Burst

    • AoE Area increased from 8 to 10

Street Justice (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker, Stalker, Defender)

  • Reset to vanilla values, adjusted from there

  • Sweeping Cross
    • Cone Area increased from 7 to 9
    • Cone Arc increased from 50 to 60
  • Spinning Strike
    • AoE Area increased from 6 to 8

Energy Melee

  • Whirling hands (stalker)
    • Reduced AoE Area from 15 to 10
    • Reduced damage, endurance, recharge costs to match brute version
    • Reduced stun from mag 3 to mag 2
    • Reduced stun chance from 100% to 30%

Martial Arts (Stalker)

*Dragons Tail

  • Increased AoE area from 8 to 10

Claws (Stalker)


  • Added in missing Assassins focus grant

Super Reflexes (All ATs)

  • Dodge -Scaling resistances reduced from 60% at maximum to 45% at maximum

  • Practiced Brawler
    • Reduced initial +regen from 150% to 100%
  • Reaction time
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue with the taunt attributes being inconsistent (Brute, Scrapper, Tanker)
  • Elude
    • Reduced duration from 90s to 60s

Spectral Aura (Stalkers)

  • Spectral Shroud
    • Absorb value increased from 0.33 to 0.8, now only refreshes once every 10 seconds.

Invulnerability (All ATs)

  • Unstoppable
    • Reduced duration from 180s to 90s
    • removed crash

Energy Aura (All ATs)

  • Overload
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • Kuji-In Retsu
    • reduced duration from 180 to 90s
    • removed crash


  • All versions of epic t9s (Surge of power, Force of nature)
    • Recharge time reduced to 540s
    • Buff durations reduced to 90s
    • Resistance strength reduced to 3.75 (4.75 for energy resist and 2.76 negative energy resist on surge of power)
    • Crash removed
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