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Spirit Masks Spirit Masks Spirit Masks Spirit Masks

19th May 2023

Costume Parts

  • Pantheon Spirit Masks for male only (unlocked by obtaining the Banisher badge)


Titan Weapon (Tanker)

- Crushing Blow now properly applies Bruising

Martial Assault (Defender and Dominator)

  • Thunder Kick
    • Damage, recharge, and endurance cost increased.
  • Spinning Kick
    • Replaced with Eagles Claw, Moved to the level 28 slot.
  • Masterful Throw
    • Reworked to be a t3 blast instead of a snipe, moved to level 38 slot
  • Explosive Shuriken
    • moved to the level 10 slot, rebalanced to be a proper targeted AoE instead of a t3 blast.
  • Trick Shot
    • Reduced endurance cost
    • Reduced recharge time
    • Increased Range

Martial Arts

  • Crippling Axe kick
    • Reduced cast time form 1.6s to 1s
  • Cobra Strike
    • Reduced cast time from 1.6s to 1.3s


  • Smoke flash
    • Is now auto hit, no longer takes accuracy enhancements
    • Cast time reduced from 1.83s to 1s

Psychokinetic Assault

  • Psi-Whip Coil
    • Animation time reduced from 4s to 2s
    • Effects edited to happen in 2s (down from 3s, this means the damage pulses faster and the pets summon faster.)
    • Reduced pet summon duration (this power summons three swords over 2s so these swords only last 6s each)

Ice control (dominator)

  • proper FX added to pistol variant customization options for Shiver and Glacier


  • NPCs in Dr. Grave’s arcs will now properly scale


  • The Magician’s Call text is now correct


  • “Disable FX Stacking” will now reduce volume per additional FX, rather than nullifying it completely, in order to fix certain sounds being muted
  • “FX Transparency - Other Players/Pets” is now available in the Advanced Graphics settings. It allows you to set the alpha transparency of other player’s powers to reduce them.
    • 0 will cause the FX to not play at all
    • Some things, such as Fire Swords, will not be affected until they’re totally disabled


  • A crash related to Pet Customization has been resolved
  • XP bonuses are now multiplicative rather than additive
    • This addresses a bug where AE XP was able to be turned on using XP bonuses
  • Rest XP now functions as a bonus, rather than overriding the server multiplier (to be the same 1.5x amount)


  • Addressed crash from viewing standard Ironman characters
  • Hardcore deaths will now kick you to character select and no longer show the pop-up message
  • Further validation has been added to LFG related code to prevent Ironmen joining non-Ironman leagues
  • Some additional messages have been added for context when an invite fails


  • Abandoned Sewers
    • Police Drones have been removed from the Atlas Park entrance

Costume Parts

  • Pantheon Spirit Masks for male only (unlocked by obtaining the Banisher badge)


Titan Weapon (Tanker)

- Crushing Blow now properly applies Bruising

Martial Assault (Defender and Dominator)

  • Thunder Kick
    • Damage, recharge, and endurance cost increased.
  • Spinning Kick
    • Replaced with Eagles Claw, Moved to the level 28 slot.
  • Masterful Throw
    • Reworked to be a t3 blast instead of a snipe, moved to level 38 slot
  • Explosive Shuriken
    • moved to the level 10 slot, rebalanced to be a proper targeted AoE instead of a t3 blast.
  • Trick Shot
    • Reduced endurance cost
    • Reduced recharge time
    • Increased Range

Martial Arts

  • Crippling Axe kick
    • Reduced cast time form 1.6s to 1s
  • Cobra Strike
    • Reduced cast time from 1.6s to 1.3s


  • Smoke flash
    • Is now auto hit, no longer takes accuracy enhancements
    • Cast time reduced from 1.83s to 1s

Psychokinetic Assault

  • Psi-Whip Coil
    • Animation time reduced from 4s to 2s
    • Effects edited to happen in 2s (down from 3s, this means the damage pulses faster and the pets summon faster.)
    • Reduced pet summon duration (this power summons three swords over 2s so these swords only last 6s each)

Ice control (dominator)

  • proper FX added to pistol variant customization options for Shiver and Glacier


  • NPCs in Dr. Grave’s arcs will now properly scale


  • The Magician’s Call text is now correct


  • “Disable FX Stacking” will now reduce volume per additional FX, rather than nullifying it completely, in order to fix certain sounds being muted
  • “FX Transparency - Other Players/Pets” is now available in the Advanced Graphics settings. It allows you to set the alpha transparency of other player’s powers to reduce them.
    • 0 will cause the FX to not play at all
    • Some things, such as Fire Swords, will not be affected until they’re totally disabled


  • A crash related to Pet Customization has been resolved
  • XP bonuses are now multiplicative rather than additive
    • This addresses a bug where AE XP was able to be turned on using XP bonuses
  • Rest XP now functions as a bonus, rather than overriding the server multiplier (to be the same 1.5x amount)


  • Addressed crash from viewing standard Ironman characters
  • Hardcore deaths will now kick you to character select and no longer show the pop-up message
  • Further validation has been added to LFG related code to prevent Ironmen joining non-Ironman leagues
  • Some additional messages have been added for context when an invite fails


  • Abandoned Sewers
    • Police Drones have been removed from the Atlas Park entrance
Help us translate!

Costume Parts

  • Pantheon Spirit Masks for male only (unlocked by obtaining the Banisher badge)


Titan Weapon (Tanker)

- Crushing Blow now properly applies Bruising

Martial Assault (Defender and Dominator)

  • Thunder Kick
    • Damage, recharge, and endurance cost increased.
  • Spinning Kick
    • Replaced with Eagles Claw, Moved to the level 28 slot.
  • Masterful Throw
    • Reworked to be a t3 blast instead of a snipe, moved to level 38 slot
  • Explosive Shuriken
    • moved to the level 10 slot, rebalanced to be a proper targeted AoE instead of a t3 blast.
  • Trick Shot
    • Reduced endurance cost
    • Reduced recharge time
    • Increased Range

Martial Arts

  • Crippling Axe kick
    • Reduced cast time form 1.6s to 1s
  • Cobra Strike
    • Reduced cast time from 1.6s to 1.3s


  • Smoke flash
    • Is now auto hit, no longer takes accuracy enhancements
    • Cast time reduced from 1.83s to 1s

Psychokinetic Assault

  • Psi-Whip Coil
    • Animation time reduced from 4s to 2s
    • Effects edited to happen in 2s (down from 3s, this means the damage pulses faster and the pets summon faster.)
    • Reduced pet summon duration (this power summons three swords over 2s so these swords only last 6s each)

Ice control (dominator)

  • proper FX added to pistol variant customization options for Shiver and Glacier


  • NPCs in Dr. Grave’s arcs will now properly scale


  • The Magician’s Call text is now correct


  • “Disable FX Stacking” will now reduce volume per additional FX, rather than nullifying it completely, in order to fix certain sounds being muted
  • “FX Transparency - Other Players/Pets” is now available in the Advanced Graphics settings. It allows you to set the alpha transparency of other player’s powers to reduce them.
    • 0 will cause the FX to not play at all
    • Some things, such as Fire Swords, will not be affected until they’re totally disabled


  • A crash related to Pet Customization has been resolved
  • XP bonuses are now multiplicative rather than additive
    • This addresses a bug where AE XP was able to be turned on using XP bonuses
  • Rest XP now functions as a bonus, rather than overriding the server multiplier (to be the same 1.5x amount)


  • Addressed crash from viewing standard Ironman characters
  • Hardcore deaths will now kick you to character select and no longer show the pop-up message
  • Further validation has been added to LFG related code to prevent Ironmen joining non-Ironman leagues
  • Some additional messages have been added for context when an invite fails


  • Abandoned Sewers
    • Police Drones have been removed from the Atlas Park entrance
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Costume Parts

  • Pantheon Spirit Masks for male only (unlocked by obtaining the Banisher badge)


Titan Weapon (Tanker)

- Crushing Blow now properly applies Bruising

Martial Assault (Defender and Dominator)

  • Thunder Kick
    • Damage, recharge, and endurance cost increased.
  • Spinning Kick
    • Replaced with Eagles Claw, Moved to the level 28 slot.
  • Masterful Throw
    • Reworked to be a t3 blast instead of a snipe, moved to level 38 slot
  • Explosive Shuriken
    • moved to the level 10 slot, rebalanced to be a proper targeted AoE instead of a t3 blast.
  • Trick Shot
    • Reduced endurance cost
    • Reduced recharge time
    • Increased Range

Martial Arts

  • Crippling Axe kick
    • Reduced cast time form 1.6s to 1s
  • Cobra Strike
    • Reduced cast time from 1.6s to 1.3s


  • Smoke flash
    • Is now auto hit, no longer takes accuracy enhancements
    • Cast time reduced from 1.83s to 1s

Psychokinetic Assault

  • Psi-Whip Coil
    • Animation time reduced from 4s to 2s
    • Effects edited to happen in 2s (down from 3s, this means the damage pulses faster and the pets summon faster.)
    • Reduced pet summon duration (this power summons three swords over 2s so these swords only last 6s each)

Ice control (dominator)

  • proper FX added to pistol variant customization options for Shiver and Glacier


  • NPCs in Dr. Grave’s arcs will now properly scale


  • The Magician’s Call text is now correct


  • “Disable FX Stacking” will now reduce volume per additional FX, rather than nullifying it completely, in order to fix certain sounds being muted
  • “FX Transparency - Other Players/Pets” is now available in the Advanced Graphics settings. It allows you to set the alpha transparency of other player’s powers to reduce them.
    • 0 will cause the FX to not play at all
    • Some things, such as Fire Swords, will not be affected until they’re totally disabled


  • A crash related to Pet Customization has been resolved
  • XP bonuses are now multiplicative rather than additive
    • This addresses a bug where AE XP was able to be turned on using XP bonuses
  • Rest XP now functions as a bonus, rather than overriding the server multiplier (to be the same 1.5x amount)


  • Addressed crash from viewing standard Ironman characters
  • Hardcore deaths will now kick you to character select and no longer show the pop-up message
  • Further validation has been added to LFG related code to prevent Ironmen joining non-Ironman leagues
  • Some additional messages have been added for context when an invite fails


  • Abandoned Sewers
    • Police Drones have been removed from the Atlas Park entrance
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